Group news

07/15/2022: Our collaborative paper on ultraslow lattice thermal conductivity in Ag2GeS2 gets published in Chemistry of Materials. Link

04/29/2022: Mohamed receives best posters award (2nd place) at this year’s College of Science Undergraduate Research Colloquium. Congratulations!

04/11/2022: Mohamed receives URSP summer fellowship. Congratulations!

03/15/2022: Our paper on low-field magnetotransport of YMn6Sn6 is published today in Communications Physics. Link

03/14/2022: Our collaborative paper on Co1/3NbS2 gets published in Physical Review B. Link

01/15/2022: Mohamed receives URSP mini grant. Congratulations!

12/02/2021: Nirmal Ghimire receives NSF CAREER Grant. Thank you, NSF.  Press Release.

11/10/2021: Peter’s and Hari’s trip to National High Magnetic Field Lab, Tallahassee, FL to perform a high field experiment. 

11/04/2021: Our collaborative paper on Li8IrO6 get published. Link

07/16/2021: Connor defends his Master’s Thesis. Congratulations!

06/30/2021: Mohamed wins the URSP award for Fall 2021. Congratulations!

06/21/2021: Jeanie Qi, from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, joins the group as ASSIP summer intern. Welcome!

04/15/2021: Our collaborative paper “High-throughput search for magnetic topological materials using spin-orbit spillage, machine-learning and experiments” gets published in Physical Review B. Link

03/20/2021: Our collaborative paper on Fe3Sn2 ” Isotropic Nature of the Metallic Kagome Ferromagnet Fe3Sn2 at High Temperatures” gets published in Crystals. Link

03/09/2021: Our collaborative paper on YMn6Sn6 “Chiral properties of the zero-field spiral state and field-induced magnetic phases of the itinerant kagome metal YMn6Sn6” gets published in Physical Review B. Link.

02/08/2021: Nirmal Ghimire gives a departmental colloquium talk at the Physics department at South Dakota State University. 

02/03/2021: Nirmal Ghimire gives a departmental colloquium talk at the Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy department at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute.

12/18/2020: Our paper ” Competing magnetic phases and fluctuation-driven scalar spin chirality in the kagome metal YMn6Sn6″ published in Science Advances. Press release

12/09/2020: Nirmal Ghimire receives Dean’s Award for Early Career Excellence from College of Science. Link

09/14/2020: Nirmal Ghimire gives a talk  on “New Quantum Magnets: Design and Discovery” at Idaho National Laboratory.

08/20/2020: Farewell to Dina Michel. Dina joins department of physics and astronomy at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Congratulations! 

08/10/2020: Peter Siegfried joins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!

06/20/2020: David Connor Jones participated on “5th JHU Summer School on Materials Growth and Design: Frontiers in Superconductivity”, June 15-19.

06/02/2020: Collaborative paper “Fermi surface topology and nontrivial Berry phase in the flat-band semimetal Pd3Pb” published in Physical Review B.

04/17/2020: Collaborative paper “Giant anomalous Hall effect in quasi-two-dimensional layered antiferromagnet Co1/3NbS2” published in Physical Review Research. 

02/11/2020: Graduate student Hari Bhandari joins the group. Welcome!

01/27/2020: Our Paper “Topology and correlations on kagome lasttice”, published in Nature Materials. 

01/10/2020: Dina Michel attended “Fundamental of quantum materials winter school 2020” Jan 6-9.

12/21/2019: Dina Michel graduates. Congratulations! 

11/20/2019: Master’s student David Connor Jones joins the group. Welcome!

08/20/2019: Ghimire lab in Krasnow institute is functional!

07/15/2019: Nishchal attended 4th Johns Hopkins University Summer School on “Materials Growth and Design: Discovery in the Era of Big (Materials) Data”- July 7- 13.

07/08/2019: Dina receives the 2019 URSP fellowship. Congratulations! Link

07/01/2019: Nirmal attended conference “Competing Interactions and Colossal Responses in Transition Metal Compounds” at Telluride, Co – June 25-29.

06/08/2019: Nirmal attended “Young Investigator Workshop” at Oak Ridge National Lab – June 6 – 7.

06/03/2019: Dina Michel joins the group. Welcome!

03/27/2019: Nirmal gives a condensed matter seminar at Johns Hopkins University

11/15/2018: Synthesis lab in Planetary 402 is functional!

10/25/2018: Nirmal attends AAPT New Faculty Workshop at College Park, MD 

09/20/2018: Nirmal gives a condensed matter seminar at University of Virginia

09/15/2018: Nicholas Bishop joins the group. Welcome! 

09/10/2018: Nishchal Thapa joins the group. Welcome!